The bleachers were also filled: there was a grandstand B, which was opposite and farthest from the stage, most of the empty seats were observed in the corner sectors and the "coolest" VIPs. I have already seen a wide range of estimates of the number of visitors to the show - from forty to eighty thousand. As an analyst, I can offer to estimate for ourselves: the official capacity of the stadium stands is 84745 spectators, they were filled by 4/5, this is already 67 thousand; taking into account the standard size of the football field, the parts occupied by equipment and the density of the audience of 8-10 thousand there should have been. Those who wish can sum it up themselves. "I wish we had so many people going to football..." - a crazy thought visited. And another one immediately caught up with her: "I wish our football players would play like that..."

The preparation of the stage between the performances of Snow Patrol and U2 took exactly an hour. And it was during this period that the feeling of being present at something grandiose began to grow stronger, especially since, in my opinion, all categories of viewers got used to it and became a single mass of the audience waiting for something incredible. Moreover, the audience organized itself and began to entertain itself! The traditional "wave" for football matches was let through the stands, and since there were no barriers on the closed ring of the stands, she made ten laps around the stadium! And, what is noteworthy, not a single VIP sector has "skipped"! Such a show caused enthusiastic applause from the dance floor, but even there the people got creative. Some of the audience began to swing their raised hands left and right in time with the rhythmic melody sounding from the speakers. In three minutes, this "flash mob" covered the entire clearing, and what was happening at the stadium began to give off surrealism: a crowd of people waving their arms in unison on the field, "ringed" by a wave running through the stands. It was not clear here, but do these viewers need any Yu-Tu at all? Self-sufficiency beat over the edge. But by the end of the waiting hour, the activity of the audience began to fade, as if melting along with the evening twilight light. The stadium was illuminated by floodlights. And it started to rain...

The sheer rain did not touch the stands, which were securely covered with a visor, but desperately beat the heads of those standing on the field with jets. The dance floor opened umbrellas. And, perhaps, no director, no artist could have specially come up with such a picture: the bright light of spotlights illuminating tens of thousands of people sitting on red-yellow stands, black-green-orange stage structures and a huge field of "blooming" colored spots of various umbrella domes. And all this is in the brilliance of the rain jets. Monet, Sisley, Klimt- who? Suggest your options. Mən həmişə statistikanı öyrənirəm, lakin bunun üçün tətbiqlərdən və ya vebsaytlardan istifadə etməyimə belə ehtiyac yoxdur Bukmeker kontorunun saytında kifayət qədər məlumat verilir buna görə də idmanla maraqlanırsınızsa və məlumatları təhlil etməkdən zövq alırsınızsa, idman mərcləri sizin üçün əyləncəli və sərfəli hobbi ola bilər

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